Our partners

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Our partners support us and contribute to our reputation.

Logo partenaire First Gift

First Gift

Based in Paris, First Gift has been importing and distributing a selection of quality Japanese food products for professionals in the catering and gastronomy sector in Europe since 2016. Among these products, First Gift offers several varieties of high-quality Japanese rice.

Logo partenaire Ake Sushi

Ake Sushi

Ake Formation is the training centre run by our trainer Yuko Perez, whose aim is to enable everyone to experience the rich tradition of Sushi, the Japanese culinary art.

Logo partenaire Bordeaux Sushi

Bordeaux Sushi

Our trainer Jean-Baptiste l'Her is a caterer, home chef and runs workshops through his company: Bordeaux Sushi.

Logo partenaire IKI restaurant Michaël Pankar

IKI Restaurant

The IKI restaurant in Angers, run by sushi chef Michaël Panker, offers refined and creative dishes prepared with high-quality ingredients.